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Murphy Business & Financial Corporation, Central Washington

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Murphy Business & Financial Corporation, Central Washington provides buy- and sell-side advisory services to recreational and dispensary owners. Murphy business and machinery & equipment valuations.

"North America's Premier Brokerage Firm"​

We are one of the largest and most successful firms specializing in Selling Businesses, Franchises, Business Valuations, Machinery and Equipment Appraisals, Mergers and Acquisitions and Commercial Real Estate in North America.

We have unsurpassed access to Buyers and Sellers nationwide. Our proven process and system provides our clients with the means to achieve their goals through a successful business transaction, while maintaining complete confidentiality. We promise that you will not find a more complete, thorough and professional experience as the one Murphy Business & Financial Corporation can provide.

(888) 561-3243
513 N. Belcher RoadClearwaterFL

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