Columbia Care Illinois is excited to provide the qualified patients of Chicago with a wide-variety of medical-grade, naturally produced cannabis products with the highest quality customer service available through our dispensary in Jefferson Park. We offer a variety of strains, which have been carefully selected to assist patients with a range of symptoms. Some products can increase energy, while others promote relaxation. Our staff provides guidance based on the patient’s needs and most patients discover certain strains that provide the best relief for their individual symptoms.
Prices and product availability are subject to change without notice. We make reasonable efforts to keep this information up-to-date but make no guarantee that product will be available in the dispensary. We occasionally run promotion prices as incentives or limited time opportunities for qualifying purchases made during the promotional time period. Due to the time-sensitive and promotional nature of these events, we are unable to offer price protection or retroactive discounts or refunds for previous purchases in the event of a price reduction or promotional offering. Although Columbia Care makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information published on this website, such information may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Actual products may differ slightly in appearance to images shown. Columbia Care makes no representation about the suitability of the information represented on this site. All such information is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind.