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SOS Cannabis USA

Short Description
When a company states, from the beginning, the goal of responding to your call for help, you can be sure you’re headed in the direction of safety and peace of mind. This is the message we send from SOS Cannabis USA, “a team of proven professionals, conscientious and caring people, the kind of people you can depend on.”

Start working with us today to have access to an array of insurance options, including:

Small Business
And More
SOS Insurance “has been offering outstanding insurance products to California residents since 1989, always at competitive prices. You can put our decades of experience to work for you with one phone call. This expertise in commercial and business insurance can be an important element for entrepreneurs and established companies who want to grow with the cannabis/medical marijuana industry.

Get started by requesting a quote on our Quick-Quote form, or chat with an agent for added assistance. This opens the door to dozens of companies, with the goal of finding the lowest rate for the coverage you need.

Your SOS Cannabis USA representative will answer your questions honestly and accurately, and do the necessary research to provide the essential information you must have to succeed in this expanding industry. Get in touch today!

Provides a variety of services for cannabis businesses, including legal, financial, and compliance services to ensure business success.

1601 Dove Street Suite 200 Newport Beach, CA

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