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Mary Moonlight

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The Mary Moonlight brand is the first in Italy to have distributed Cannabis Legale, that is, with thc content that respects the legal limits. At the end of February 2017 in the footsteps of Switzerland, Moramarco Pietro launched the Mary Moonlight brand in Italy, with the idea of ​​revolutionizing the hemp situation in our territory, and finally dispelling the stereotype that "cannabis is drug".

Cannabis is a plant with incredible capacity, very versatile, with multiple uses, in the industrial, food, and pharmaceutical sectors. When Moramarco Pietro, administrator and founder-partner of Mary Moonlight, launched the brand, no one believed it possible that in a short time a business would have been created on the thc-rich and low-grade cbd cannabis inflorescence. The courage, and the desire for revenge against the demonization accomplished against this fantastic plant, have prized Mary Moonlight, who today is the undisputed leader on the Italian market and which today is strongly rooted also in many European countries.

Only a couple of other companies, like Mary Moonlight, began to market legal cannabis in the first half of 2017, this because no one still believed in this new direction, in this market possibility, there was the doubt that the State would stop this nascent business, but it didn't.

Today, after more than a year since the launch of Mary Moonlight, the market has exploded, in every Italian capital there is a legal cannabis sales point, wherever we talk about hemp, in fairs, on TV, in newspapers, on radio, and finally all the negative myths against cannabis are being debunked, and in favor of an awareness that recognizes the positive qualities of this much discussed plant.

+39 02 2513 8556
Via Fratelli Rizzi, 8San Giuliano MilaneseMI

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