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Silverleaf Advisors

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Private Equity, Commercial Real Estate, Real Estate Investment и Turnaround Situations

In the past 5 years, Silverleaf has successfully foreclosed on over +130 distressed loans with a business strategy to purchase secured and unsecured debt underwritten for real estate assets, converting the debt to an asset or judgment. The Silverleaf platform provides liquidity events for banks and seller needing to offload troubled loans and assets. The team underwrites legal and asset risk mitigation to minimize any downside exposure and manages the entire foreclosure and deficiency process.

Today, we continue to focus on assets that we can "unlock the value"​ through a variety of management and repositioning strategies. In 2013, Silverleaf will continue to identify trends that emerging and our markets continue their transition to new standards.

2020 N. Bayshore Dr. Suite 2304MiamiFL

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