Ahref - GA code

Real Assets Adviser

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A cannabis investment and advisory firm providing expertise on real estate and business strategies in the cannabis sector.

IREI provides real estate and infrastructure investment fiduciaries with information and insights on the people, issues, ideas and events driving the global real estate and infrastructure investment marketplace.

The firm publishes a number of special reports and directories, as well as six regular news publications. In 2006, the firm launched a conference and seminar division. IREI's events have quickly gained a stellar reputation and solid following within the industry. The firm's menu of events includes, Visions, Insights & Perspectives (Americas, Europe and Infrastructure), IREI Springboard, as well as iREOC's Annual Membership meeting. On the consulting side, IREI has three decades of experience providing research and advice to the investment-management, brokerage, development and technology communities. Services include strategic information and advice on presentations, organizational structures, product development, proposal responses, and design and implementation of market research projects.

+1 925-244-0500
2010 Crow Canyon PlSan RamonCA

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